Look what we got today. I know I said before that we weren't going to look at getting a fancy camera until after we had done our 365 photo project, but we are impatient. Anyway, it seems silly to try a tackle such a large project with the hope of developing our style and techniques with just a basic camera. That's what we are telling ourselves anyway.
I'm really excited to start our project now, we have both been snapping away already, getting used to the camera and all it's shiny buttons. It will be interesting to see how our styles develop, and how different or similar they become. We have decided to just have a couple of vague rules, so it doesn't start to become a chore, as opposed to fun.
1. We must take a photo everyday.
2. Our chosen photo for that day must be something we would be happy to display.
I think they are pretty good rules to have, if we don't take a photo everyday it won't be much of a 365 photo challenge, and I don't want them to just be for the sake of it type photo's of just anything hence rule 2. Hand on heart I am not convinced we will complete it, but we are going to give it a blooming good bash. I'm going to do monthly post on the challenge to keep tabs on how we are getting on.
Have you got any tips for us?
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